What's unique? SQL Payroll software is built from ground up around Payroll Process. You can easily process and print from one to hundreds of employee's pay slip with just a few mouse click. What's more is that you can virtually keep unlimited payroll history and have your data safe and sound with strong security and data protection.
SQL Payroll is so simple! Discover how you can go from payroll processing to printing pay slips in just a few steps.
SQL Payroll Feature
Sync Across All Devices
Everything you need to make your business grow super fast!
Monthly payroll process
- Quick and Easy monthly payroll processing
- Flexible amendment
- Compliant to all local legislation
- Batch email payslip individually with password encryption
- Statutory reports with e-submission
- Bank Giro electronic payment - more than 25 Malaysia banks
- Pending payroll transactions
- Unlimited month end process
- Form EA and Borang E CP8D
- Comprehensive management report
Need a report?
SQL Payroll software provides payslips, payroll summary, credit bank report, cheque listing, contribution info listing, and HRDF report
Need a government report?
We provide government reports like: EPF Borang A, Socso Borang 8A, Socso Borang 2, Socso Borang 3, EIS Lampiran 1, EIS Borang 1, EIS Borang 2, Income Tax CP 39, Income Tax CP 39 A, CP 22, CP 22 A, CP 8, CP 159, e-Data Praisi, Lampiran B (PCB Audit), Zakat Borang Skim Berkat, PCB 2, CP 8D (Borang E).

Leave Management
- Unlimited leave type
- Leave Group entitlement
- Leave calendar application
- Flexible unpaid leave formula
Set your own unpaid leave formulas by selecting the day of unpaid leave taken on the calendar (compliant with labour law) and the customizable number of days.
- Annual Leave brought forward
Need a leave report?
SQL Payroll HR software consists of a complete and comprehensive set of leave reports such as leave application report, leave balance report, leave entitlement report, and yearly leave report.
SQL E Leave - payroll app apply leave anytime, anywhere
- Employee dashboard
- View unlimited month payslip info in your app
- Unlimited years form EA record
- Manager Dashboard

Others useful function
- Adhoc process
- Comprehensive HR software package
- SQL View - limit access to payroll process
- Loan
- Income Tax calculator
- Data import
- Unlimited year records
- Frequency process
- All government report ready
- Mykad reading
- Time management system
Unlimited monthly free payroll software training and responsive support team

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SQL Payroll Releases
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SQL Payroll Releases
SQL Payroll 1.2024.257.206
- Database upgrade to 131
- Add HR.HistoryListing report
- Add Gratuity for PR.Payslip Report with V2 format
- Add Gratuity column PR.Summary.Grouped Report
- Add Transaction Code for PR.Yearly reports
- PR.SOCSO.Borang2.Report-Foreign Add passport validity and permit starting date
- #5642: Add support gratuity
- Add PT_GR table; add DOB column to PT_INFO
- Add Code column to PT_CP table
- Fixed Lampiran 2 report not showing total compensation
- #6008: Add PassportIssueDate, ImmigrationIssueDate, PermitIssueDate to Maintain Employee
- #6034: Add GX Bank to employee bank lookup
- #6033: e-AmPayDay net payroll socso file format IC number column is not filled with SOCSO number for foreign worker
- #6032: Add "Include Employer's Particular" option to income tax CP8D and eData Praisi windows
- #6028: Income tax CP8D report exclude employee record with gross remuneration equal to zero
- #6027: Payroll yearly individual report rearrange employee eis position
- #6026: Empty child DOB error message is unclear
- Revise Sync Cloud DateTime format to follow system format
- Revise Time Attendance show map marker icons
- #5989: Add day name to Print Time Attendance Summary
- Revise Print Work Schedule Summary to exclude resigned and inactive employees
- #6000: Print Time Attendance Summary error when untick few status
- Revise Time Attendance Summary report to show logs without session
- Add DayType field to Time Attendance Leave Rule scripts
- Fix override note field and post employee userkey to PT_CL_LOG when update status in Sync Cloud Pending Claim
SQL Payroll 1.2024.256.205
- Fixed Export to PDF Leave Long Description Overlapping
- Fixed PR.Tax.CP22A-2023 A5 & A11 wrongly map
- #5999: Incorrect leave BF after process current year leave entitlement if last year leave application post date fall in current year
- #6023: CP8D employee section text file is required even though content is empty
- #6021: Leave.Entitlement.Processor.RoundToDay script return value with decimal place for employee has not completed one year of service
- #5911: Application does not prompt message when leave application fall outside acceptable transaction date
- #6001: Non resident PCB amount not tally with LHDN calculator
- #6014: Generate income tax CP8D year 2022 text file prompt error "Access violation"
SQL Payroll 1.2024.254.204
- Add PR.Tax.CP22A-2023 format
- Fixed EA 2023 & 2024 Typo Error
- Fixed PR.Tax.CP8D-2023 only shown 1 page even data more then 9
- Add PR.Tax.CP8D-2023-BorangE - Part A format
- #6004: Add income tax CP22A year 2023
- #6003: "Staff IC No" column in Public bank SOCSO excel format is not filled with foreign worker SOCSO number
- #6006: Infinite loop in leave entitlement processor script
- #6005: CP21 show record with commission for not resigned employee
- Fixed PR.SOCSO.Borang2.Report-Foreign Moble number shown unknow info when not enter
- #6011: Add MBSB Bank Journey Corporate Payroll file format
- #6010: User can still view employee wages even though user doesn't have access right
- Fixed PR.Tax.BorangEA-English version label not fully shown
- Bug #6013: Income Tax CP8D 2023 Borang E Part A incorrect A2 value
SQL Payroll 1.2024.252.203
- Add PR.Tax.CP8D-2023 format
- Update EA & EC for 2023 & 2024 to Pin 2023
- #5996: Revise income tax CP8D year 2023
- #5997: Rename "Maintain Public Holiday" to "Maintain Public Holiday Calendar"
- #5956: Application does not prompt warning message when ADMIN user process month end payroll fall outside acceptable transaction date
- #5968: Employee has not completed one year of service shall calculate AL entitlement based on number completed months service proportion
- #5994: Income tax EA report shows an incorrect amount for tax exemption allowance
- Change 2024 paysheet lhdn calculator to english
- #5991: Update CP22A LHDN file format
SQL Payroll 1.2024.250.202
- Database upgrade to version 130
- Update PR.Claim.Report field mapping
- Add TP1 & TP3 for 2024
- #5980: Get public holidays from web
- Add payroll calculator year 2024
- Add income tax EA and EC reports for year 2024
- Optional Tax relief 2024 changes
- Add payroll calculator year 2024
- Add income tax CP8D year 2023
- Add Classification, RetirementDate, ContractExpiryDate to Maintain Employee
- Revise Time Attendance Work Schedule Processor TestCase
- #5981: RHB Smart Payroll format unable to generate record when beneficiary bank is not RHB
- #5978: Preview PR.Claim report prompt error "Field not found. Main."Amount""
- Revise TMS process to get the calendar data up to current date time
- Add RemarkIn and RemarkOut to time attendance summary report pipeline
- #5976: EA form raise item not found error for employee with payroll opening but without payroll process
- Fix Pending paid leave doesn't display leave day with full decimal when editing leave day column
SQL Payroll 1.2023.249.201
- #5975: Add email for UOB IBG file format with payment advice
- #5973: Tax exempted allowance calculated wrongly when more than 1 allowance with same tax code
- #5969: Add Alliance Bank BizSmart Zakat file format
- #5972: RHB Smart Payroll format does not support Rentas bank code
- #5941: MC leave type Process script default to "Based on calendar year, no proportion, round to 1 decimal"
- #5971: Claim transaction project different from pending claim transaction project after process payroll
- #5970: Add Pending Director Fee, Bonus, Paid Leave, Compensation, Advance Paid, Loan, CP38, Unpaid Leave data import from command line
SQL Payroll 1.2023.248.200
- Add PR.Zakat-Sarawak format
- Add Time Attendance Summary Report with Location Status & Photo
- Time Attendance Summary Report - Add Attachments & LocationStatus to pipeline
- #5955: Add Merchantrade Top Up file format
- #5953: Stores instruction file output directory in DB registry
- #5965: Leave entitlement recalculation clear last year entitlement
- #5964: Update UOB Instant Transfer file format v2.3
- #5960: Add China Construction Bank Malaysia IBG file format
- #5958: Unable to reconfigure leave group entitlement policy if the script is missing
SQL Payroll 1.2023.247.199
- Added Effective Date under Section ii (Action Taken) page 2 in HR.Employee.Confirmation Evaluation Form
- Add PR.Zakat-Perlis format
- Add Prorate Info for LV.Yearly.Report
- Database upgrade to version 129
- #5950: Clone Master Data required to clone over Maintain Work Session
- Sync Cloud Time Attendance filter resigned employees
- Work Schedule Summary - Add PH and Rest label for Public Holiday and Rest Day
- Time Attendance Summary - Default checked On Time and Append script name to Clock Status
- Add new time attendance day type - Rest Day (Special Rate 2) & Rest Day (Special Rate 3)
- Sync Cloud Leave and Claim unchecked Rejected by default
- #5946 & #5947: Time Attendance Summary - Add TotalWork, TotalOT, TotalBreakTime, TotalLateIn, TotalEarlyOut for the day
- #5795: Leave application report Main dataset added "Time in Minute" field
- #5921: Tax calculation sensitive to year and month
- Add Tax exemption calculator
- Add Tax relief calculator
- #5954: Income tax CP21 report B-3 column does not include commission amount
- #5952: Unable to generate loan schedule based on loan balance amount
- #5949: Add Age field to Main Dataset of Employee report
- Optimize performance for Sync Cloud TMS
- #5945: Add payment advice if have email for AffinMax Corporate IBG excel file format
- #5936: Remove leave day limitation when claim leave on the same day in Leave Application
SQL Payroll 1.2023.246.198
- Database upgrade to version 128
- Add PR.SOCSO.Borang2.Report-Foreign format
- Change Pipeline from Country to Nationality for PR.Tax.CP22-2021
- Add Grand Total for PT.Claim.Report
- Show Payment Type Description for Parameter PayType instead of number when selected 1 PayType for Payroll summary report
- Add PR.Zakat-Sabah format
- Update mapping City for PR.Tax.CP22-2021
- #5916: Increase Passport, ImmigrationNo and PermitNo field length to 40 characters
- #5904: Add "Send ELeave Email Notification" in Company Profile | E HRMS
- Add EmailNotif_ELeave column to SY_PROFILE table
- Fix unable to fill in missing clock in and revise time attendance date range filter
- Redesign Work Schedule Summary and Rename to Print Work Schedule Summary
- Display the day of the week in Maintain Calendar, Maintain Public Holiday and Maintain Traveller Location
- Add label to show ETMS last update date
- Add PIType and PICode support for TMS Leave Script
- Rename Print Time Attendance Transaction Listing to Print Time Attendance Unassigned Listing
- Disable inserting and deleting on sync Time Attendance grid
- #5897 & #5925: Public Holiday setting removed after user edit employee details
- #5912: Maintain Public Holiday Calendar - W change to C
- Change action to "Cancelled" if deductible is 0
- Add IsOT column to Leave tab in Sync Cloud and support IsOT in Leave Rules script
- Add IsOT column to TA_TRANS table
- Add schedule option in Maintain Calendar wizard for Rest Day
- #5933: Hong Leong bank Connect First IRB file format Country Code column is empty and Staff No column contains non-alphanumeric characters
- #5932: Leave Attendance report detail record decimal place not same as grand total
- #5929: Add Nationality dataset to Payroll and Employee reports
- #5906: Add time mask popupedit for time in minute entry
- #5923: Maintain employee service year show in years and months
- #5924: UOB EPF file format version 2.3
- #5919: Some CP22A, CP22B and CP21 fields does not exclude tax exempted amount
- #5819: Add Bank of China IGTB Payroll file format
- Fix sync cloud WorkingHourPerDay value type from integer to TBcd for leaveday calculation
- #5920: Add Attendance Reward column to employee browse window
- #5915: Leave entitlement that is manually entered become 0 when recalculate
- #5918: Allowance Reward script aTransDS dataset added TransDate, WorkUnit, TimeInMinute and Rate field
- #5917: Delete tax benefit in maintain employee prompt out of bounds error
SQL Payroll 1.2023.243.197
- Database upgrade to version 127
- Update mapping PostCode & State for PR.Tax.CP22-2021
- Fixed TA.Attendance1 & TA.Attendance2 not Scale to A4 side
- Lookup new entry form support access right approval
- Revise sync manager data to include only active employees
- #5903: Unable to capture Permit Expiry Date in report Employee Listing
- #5901: Employee tax category in payroll summary report differs from employee master tax category
- #5898: Revise existing LZS Zakat format to CSV format
- #5885: Add Access Right for Time Attendance in Sync Cloud
- Fix error prompt "Dataset not in edit or insert mode" when copy & paste time attendance location
- Revise Show Map marker in Sync Cloud
- #5893: Payroll accounting employee EPF, employee SOCSO, employer SOCSO, employee EIS, employer EIS and PCB support GL code by contribution
- #5886: Add income tax CP22A file format
- #5894: Access right "Print Payroll Summary - All" is not working
- #5892: Incorrect description when preview Work Unit Summary report
- Revise implementation of export PTPTN, CP8D, eData Praisi and Lampiran2
- #5888: By default, Rest Day is checked in Leave Application
- #5887: Alliance bank BizSmart Bulk Payment file format version 1.7
- #5889: Incorrect Commission Summary report data form caption
- #5880: Standard Chartered bank Bulk Payment format update
- #5876: Generate new script for Leave Entitlement Policy, Leave Calculate BF and Leave Calculate Amount when pasting Leave Group from clipboard
- #5884: The default HRDF rate for new company is 1%
- #5883: Add "Age 60 and above" to EIS category on Maintain Employee window
- #5870: Pending Overtime doesn't recalculate WorkUnit when Code is changed
SQL Payroll 1.2023.242.196
- Database upgrade to version 126
- Add monthly tax deduction computerized calculation year 2023
- Fix bug: Incorrect monthly tax deduction amount calculated using the Knowledge Worker computerized calculator
- Add HomeScreen
- #5874: Add Postcode, city and state fields in Maintain Employee | Personal
- Update TP1 & TP3 2023 new format
- Fixed PR.SOCSO.Borang8A.Report Export to pdf Logo Black
- Set late in buffer and early out buffer to 0 when create new session
- Add Work Session and Work OT report
- Add OT Remark to Print Time Attendance Summary
- Fixed Time Attendance Summary report not in order
- Add new time attendance day type - Rest Day (Special Rate)
- Add Time Off Leave Type
- Add Script Name col in Sync Cloud OT and Leave tab
- Add Script column to TA_Trans table
- Add Batch Edit to Sync Cloud
- Add Time Attendance Transaction Listing Report
- Add Flexi Working Hour script
- Allow to choose custom script in Maintain Work OT
- 5875: Preview pending claim in pending payroll listing prompt conversion error
- #5872: Automation process for current year leave entitlement is not applied to newly created employee
- #5871: Delete employee prompt "Delete is not allowed" but no TMS trans posted to payroll
SQL Payroll 1.2023.241.195
- Fixed PR.Tax.CP22-2021 Logo black when export to pdf
- #5852: Preview payroll summary report doesn't follow grid column visibility
- Bank Muamalat Payroll file format missing some bank codes
- Database upgrade to version 125
- Fixed black box when export to pdf for PR.Tax.CP22A-2021
- Revise Show Map form in Sync Cloud
- Add EarlyOutBuffer column to TA_SESSION and TA_CALENDAR table
- Revise Show Log form in Sync Cloud
- Fixed cannot run OT script for public holiday and rest day
- Remove icon from menu for Work Schedule Summary
- Add Post Date column to OT tab and Leave Tab in Sync Cloud
- Add PostDate column to TA_TRANS table
- Revise old Maintain Calendar to Maintain Public Holiday
- Fix Work Unit Summary report return incomplete resultset
SQL Payroll 1.2023.239.194
- Database upgrade to version 124
- #5843: Time in minute for wages should refer to employee maintain contribution working hour per day
- Fixed PR.Tax.Lampiran B not Min Remuneration not follow user set
- Fixed HR.Employee.Appointment Signature & date missing
- Revise Pending Payroll Listing report
- Add History Listing report
- Add Permit No and Expiry Date for Permit, Immigration and Passport
- #5866: Update Maybank2E-RC Universal Payment IRB file format based on version 7.2
- #1249 & #1624: Add Permit No and Expiry Date for Permit, Immigration and Passport
- Add PassportExpiryDate, ImmigrationExpiryDate, PermitNo, PermitExpiryDate columns to HR_EMP table
- Add Time Attendance Multi-Location & Map View
- Add Clear All Schedule and Location option when select multi employees
- Allow delete records for TA_Calendar, TA_Summary, TA_Location in EMS if clear all records in local db
- Feature #5832: Show map on GPS Range column in Sync Cloud
- Feature #5833: Add Maintain Traveller Location entry form
- Allow to show log from OT and Leave tab in Sync Cloud
- #5865: Disable site photo if found drive is "Off"
- Fix error prompt "RowIndex out of range" in Maintain Calendar
- #5850: Fix unable to delete employee if employee have existing Time Attendance records
- By default no rest days are selected for calendar wizard
- Work Summary Summary remove grey background on today's date
- #5860: Fixed prompt 'At end of table' in Maintain Calendar
- TimeInMinute field is missing from PT.Overtime datamap
- Fix Work Unit Summary report access right does not work
- #5858: Append an overtime record to employee payroll prompt assertion error if a borne allowance record contributes to overtime.
- #5857: Payroll Summary report filter by Payment Type prompt "Conversion error from string" error
- #5856: Payroll summary no data display when filter with category
- Fixed slow calendar drop down when editing TMS clock in and clock out time
SQL Payroll 1.2023.238.193
- #5848: Payroll summary dataset sort order doesn't match with sort order in grid table view when preview report
- #5847: Payroll Summary report prompt "PISeq (AD) not found" error
- #5424: Employer SOCSO number can only have up to 12 characters
- Database upgrade to version 123
- Add PR.Yearly.IndividualPay.Report-NoAD format
- Replace pdf to jpg for PR.Tax.CP21-2021
- Fixed PR.Tax.CP22B-2021 Tax number not correctly shown
- #5781: Work Unit Summary support grouping
- Adjust statutory body window caption
- #5844: Paste record from excel into payroll detail dataset prompt "D_Wages: Dataset not in edit or insert mode" error
- #5842: Time attendance log missing clock by default follow actual date
- #5837: Allow user to set work session on current day
- #5840: e-AmBiz Bulk Payment file format missing some bank codes
- Feature #5841: Add UOB EIS file format
- #5839: Pending unpaid leave record "Time in Minute" field is null if the record created via leave application
- #5830: Reposition the Process button on Process Payroll window
- Fixed missing OT records in Sync Cloud
- Fixed Sync Time Attendance could not parse SQL TimeStamp string error
- Add total late in, total early out, clock status and location status variable to Leave Rule script
- Remove Maintain Calendar from Leave Menu
- Maintain Branch set default radius to 60 meters
- Map window allow to maximize in Maintain Branch
- Rename ELeave tab to E HRSM in Company Profile and Maintain Employee
- #5831: Allow to edit previous dates without session to rest day and public holiday
- Remove Batch Edit and multiselect, Disable employee column sorting and branch column editing, Add cancel button, Set default work session text to 'To Assign'
- Revise GPS Location label to GPS Monitoring (Work Hour) in Maintain Work Session and Maintain Calendar and revise variable name
- Fix folder share being deleted on disable SQL Drive
- #5835: Change HRDF contribution in paysheet does not recalculate HRDF
- Fix Main menu invalid command ID for Import Data
- #5811: Leave application table view show "Time in Minute" column
- #5828: CP8D text format should merge records when the "New IC" or "Old IC" or "Passport No" are the same
- #5823: Data entry form supports OnBeforeSave DIY event
- #5822: Maintain Employee window shows Age and Service Year
- #5827: Add Traveller, Manager Approval, Manager Review and Leave Malaysia column to Maintain Employee
- Fixed Sync Cloud unable to load claim trans
- #5824: Leave application attachments drop down prompt error "No mapping for the Unicode character"
- #5821: OCBC bank Easi-Giro file format missing number of bank codes
- #5836: Add "Require ID Check" option to OCBC bank Easi-Giro file format
SQL Payroll 1.2023.236.192
- Change EA & EC 2022 & 2023 to norm customise design format
- #5816: Maintain Loan browse window unable to filter by Employee Name
- #5817: CP8D 2022 column U contains decimals
- #5818: Some reports still shown to user that does not have access right
- Database upgrade to version 122
- #5813: Add Religion field to income tax Lampiran 2 report Main dataset
- Add Religion column to HR_EMP table
- Add Online Approval for access right
- Add remote approval message to access rights
- SY_User add Mobile, Email & OpenID_Google fields. SY_Profile add Country field
- Add Time Attendance module
- Add support Attendance Reward
- Add AttendanceReward column to HR_EMP table
- Add validation when process payroll of there are error records
- Add Time Attendance Summary Report
- Add Time Attendance to Sync Cloud
- Add Work Schedule Wizard, Work Schedule Summary and Redesign Calendar
- Maintain Employee entry form add Work OT and IsTraveller field
- Add GeoCoordinate input in Maintain Branch and GoogleMapsAPIKey input in Company Profile & sync GeoLat, GeoLong, Radius data
- Add GeoLat, GeoLong & Radius column to HR_BRANCH and GoogleMapsAPIKey column to SY_PROFILE
- Add TA Session, TA Calendar, TA Trans, TA Summary and TA OT
- Conversion of TimeInMinute to WorkUnit/LeaveDay and vice versa
- Add TimeInMinute column to PT_WA, PT_AL, PT_OT, PT_CO, PT_DE, PT_PL, PT_UL, LV_APP table
- #5815: CP8D filename contains leading zeros for employer tax number
- Feature #5814: Add pending allowance and leave application for Invotime import data
- #5810: Month end process tax amount is incorrect when ad hoc process compensation doesn't calculate tax